Feng Shui - 阳宅风水
Create harmony between yourself and your environment with
Feng Shui
Feng shui, translated as “the way of wind and water,” is an ancient Chinese tradition. In the study of feng shui, the arrangement of buildings, spaces, and objects is a practice aimed at creating harmony and balance in the surrounding environment. Feng shui can bring success in many areas of life. By following feng shui under the right guidance, you can increase wealth, find true love, achieve career development and stability, improve health, overcome social obstacles, and make your life successful. Feng shui is widely adopted around the world because it brings harmony and prosperity.
Master Lim overseas client for Land Selection
Create a space that nurtures your soul
Feng shui is not just about aesthetics, it's about creating a home that supports your well-being.
Feng shui is an ancient art of the Chinese nation, also known as qingwu and qingnang. The more academic term for it is called kan yu. Feng represents the original Qi and field energy, and water represents flow and change. Originally, feng shui is a technique for checking the geography of the site, also known as geomancy, and ancient called kanyu, it is a philosophy that studies the laws of the environment and the universe. Since man is a part of nature, nature is also a part of man, and reaching the state of “unity between man and nature.” The more complete feng shui knowledge emerged in the Warring States period. The core idea of feng shui is harmony between man and nature, reaching the state of “unity between man and nature.” In the early days, feng shui mainly related to the location, orientation, construction, and principles of palaces, houses, villages, and graves, and was a method of selecting the right place.
At Master Lin Consulting Services, we teach you standard and accurate Feng Shui methods, so that you can avoid your physical, mental and financial losses, and open windows of good fortune, positive energy and wealth for you.
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Visit us and make your life peaceful, harmonious, and prosperous.
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